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Title Briggs Strike Oral Histories 1975-02-19 - 1975-02-26

Location Call No. Status Notes
 Reuther Library Audiovisual  LOH002211    LIB USE ONLY
Description .5 Linear Feet (1 MB, 3 items).
34.8 Megabytes (3 files).
Transcripts are arranged by interview number, which corresponds to an alphabetical arrangement by interviewee last name.
Note Material entirely in English.
Summary In 1975, James Coppess interviewed labor organizers involved in the 1933 Briggs strike in Detroit, as part of research for his master's thesis at Wayne State University. Collection consists of recordings and transcripts for three interviews. Briggs workers and labor organizers John W. Anderson (Briggs metal worker and IWW organizer), William V. Banks (attorney and Detroit head of the International Labor Defense, later founder of WGPR TV and radio stations), and Fred Valle (barber and IWW organizer) talk about their involvement in the Briggs strike of 1933. Valle also discusses his background and ideology.
Note Processing Information: Processed by Walter P. Reuther Library. Finding aid written by Rebecca Bizonet on July 6, 2016.
Access Collection is open for research.
Note Refer to the Walter P. Reuther Library Rules for Use of Archival Materials. RESTRICTIONS: Due to the personal nature of oral history, the Library prohibits use of the material in any way that infringes on individual right to privacy, or results in libelous statements or slander, in accordance with U.S. law.
Transcripts were digitized and are available as PDF files.
Cite As: "Briggs Strike Oral Histories, [Interviewee Name] Interview, Walter P. Reuther Library, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University"
Note John Anderson Papers, Fred Valle Papers
In 1975, James Coppess interviewed labor organizers involved in the 1933 Briggs strike in Detroit, as part of research for his master's thesis at Wayne State University.
Summary Collection consists of audio recordings and transcripts for three interviews. Briggs workers and labor organizers John W. Anderson (Briggs metal worker and IWW organizer), William V. Banks (attorney and Detroit head of the International Labor Defense, later founder of WGPR TV and radio stations), and Fred Valle (barber and IWW organizer) talk about their involvement in the Briggs strike of 1933. Valle also discusses his background and ideology.
Subject Industrial Workers of the World
International Labor Defense
Strikes and lockouts
Great Depression
Oral histories
Sound recordings
Added Title Walter P. Reuther Library Oral History Collection
OCLC # 954000158
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